Wednesday, March 24, 2010

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Monday, March 22, 2010

Leaving The Hotel

Well today was a sad day we had to leave the hotel. Before we left we ate and that did not go well with me. Well when we were leaving i said i did not feel good. when we were on are way home i was praying for me not to get sick. when we were in the car i threw up. I was praying that i would feel better. We went to subway and i ate some crackers and drank some sprite. Throwing up made it better because that next morning i was going to have to go to the dentist to get my teeth pulled and that was the last day of spring brake. And so God was helping me because the next day i did not have school or i did not have to go to the dentist. When i was in the car i was mad and i was thinking God why did you make me throw up i prayed but you did not help me not to throw up. Then i noticed that he was only helping me.

Love You


Day 3 At Water Park

Well day three was fun. Okay well that night me my sister my brother and my dad went to the water park and rode the orange and white slide it was alot of fun. Of course my dad got backwards like he always does. And the water stopped running so it took us like 30 minutes to get up there because of that. But then we went to the green slide it was pitch black. Me and my dad got backwards on that one. It was fun to get backwards on that one. Then we went to the hot tub. But then we went back to the hotel room we had alot of.

Friday, March 19, 2010

2nd Day At The Water Park

Okay so it's the 2nd day at the water park and we got to ride a green slide. There is a hot tub. Well we just found out that there is a pool there. Me my sister my brother and my dad are going tonight at like 9:30.p.m. and get in the hot tub and we are going to ride the orange and white one because at night the orange and the white one lights up. It's really cool. The bad thing is it closes at 10:00.p.m.. Well it's going to be fun. Well thats all i will write tomorrow.

Love You


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Water Park

Okay so it has been a while sorry:( Well we are at a water park in Tennessee. Well there was a blue slide (if you have been to Alabama Adventure its like the black slide) well anyways it was fun but then we went to a orange and white slide it was the best. At first my brother did not want to do it but then he liked it. Well it went back and fourth and i felt like i was going to throw up. Well we have not made it to the end of the trip so i will write about like tomorrow or something.

Love You
